4 Pandemic Survival Strategies That Are Going Nowhere in Finland In 2023

Throughout the corona epidemic, Finnish entrepreneurs had a protracted period of despair. The scenario was completely unfamiliar to the companies, and they gradually established several survival methods to get through the corona epidemic.

Some of these methods are very effective and will determine the future success of a company. All of these methods will be shared with you in this post so that you can utilize them to go ahead with your competition.

1. Make an effort to form partnerships

Some struggling Finnish company entrepreneurs achieved success by sharing their knowledge, resources, and even physical space with their colleagues. “Ghost kitchens” run many delivery-only eateries out of the same location, an increasing trend. Even though this invention is best suited to a pandemic, business experts believe it will last.

Ghost kitchens enable company owners to cater to people outside of their usual clientele and benefit from the rising trend of digital ordering. When it comes to technology, the opportunities for cooperation are much greater. Partnerships among sales and management teams may assist Finnish companies in closing the digital gap.

2. Increase your online presence

Few small company owners in Finland have explored telehealth visits, virtual consultations, or e-commerce possibilities before 2019. In Finland, internet choices are now an integral component of any business strategy. The difference between a company that closed and one that survived the storm was its online presence.

Even as social distance limitations relax, experts believe that the market for virtual services will continue to grow. Customers have learned to anticipate the ease of online services, and although nothing can substitute a face-to-face encounter, virtual solutions may also be helpful to companies. Businesses have been able to contact new clients outside of their local area and establish new, inventive income sources due to going online.

The market will not return to its previous state. Businesses must be ready to interact with clients in numerous modes since a major section of the population in Finland will keep on buying from the internet.

3. Make friends with the locals

Small companies in Finland have traditionally played an important role in their communities, helping to improve local economies, create employment, and provide sustainable shopping options, among other things. Small company owners stood up to provide for their clients in unforeseen ways during the epidemic, proving that this labor is not just good but crucial.

In one year, foot traffic establishments decreased drastically in certain regions as hundreds of thousands of Finns decided to stay home during the epidemic. This forced small business owners to seek out their core clients in new, distant ways, including the internet.

Many companies in Finland created strong client bases or email lists by including an online sign-up option on their social media accounts, websites, and other platforms. Even once the world finally opens, those friendships will be priceless.

It’s just as vital to be smart about the message you send to that audience as it is to figure out who you’re engaging with. It’s crucial to figure out what those loyal consumers like the most.

4. Invest in your personnel

Small company owners in Finland even became public health specialists virtually overnight when the epidemic struck to protect their clients and staff.

The epidemic also exposed many health disparities, particularly among front-line employees, and more companies are taking notice. Finland’s businesses have made the office more egalitarian, such as variable work hours to suit workers who have children at home. These perks enable workers to look for themselves and their dependents while also benefiting the company.

Paid sick leave, according to studies, saves companies money in the long run by enhancing employee performance, lowering healthcare expenditures, and lowering the turnover of employees. It also reduces illness transmission by enabling unwell employees to remain at home. This is critical for small companies since employing new workers is more expensive than keeping existing employees, which is one of the reasons why small company owners in Finland believe nationwide medical and family leaves will not hurt their profit margins.

The investment in employees is the strategy that will keep on profiting you for an eternity. Follow all of these four strategies, and you will find yourself doing much better than all other businesses in Finland.


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