During the spring, the board of the Kuopio Christian Daycare and School Support Association has prepared a change in the association’s rules. The rules are partly out of date and, in our opinion, require improvement anyway. The association’s spring meeting decided that all members of the association will be offered an equal opportunity to participate in the renewal of the rules.
Here is information about the progress decided by the spring meeting.
More detailed instructions and materials for participation can be requested by email from the secretary of the board of the association on 30.4. from, Juho Viitasalo juho.viitasalo@iki.fi .
Proposals for rule changes according to the received instructions must be submitted to Juho Viitasalo by e-mail on 5.5. by. 6.5. a meeting invitation is published. Proposals submitted on time will be included as part of the meeting material, which can be obtained on request from Juho Viitasalo on 6.5. from
The new rules will be decided at the meeting on 13.5. Each member of the association has one vote at the meeting. 3/4 of the votes are needed to approve the new rules.
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